Friday, June 1, 2012

From the Tea Bagged Fiefdom of Michigan

Michigan residents won a minor victory when the Michigan Supreme Court ruled in favor of a 2008 Medical Marijuana Law passed by popular vote (passed by 63-percent of the voting public).

 Detroit Free Press: Michigan's medical marijuana law shields patients

The law was contested by the State Attorney General (Bill Schuette) following the 2010 Tea Bagging when all the State level administrative offices went to Republicans, the State House went over to Republican control, the State Senate saw its Republican majority increased, and the Supreme Court retained its 4-3 majority of Republican-backed candidates.

The victory is minor, because it addresses a sideshow issue to the Republican agenda in Michigan.

At this time, residents in Michigan have presented petitions a ballot initiate to overthrow the state's "Emergency Manager" law.

The original 1990 Public Act 72 was changed during the 2010 legislature session to allow the state declare a "financial emergency" in a government entity before the community reaches the 1990 standard, or requests a review of its financial stability:

 Firedog Lake: Context on Michigan's Financial Manager Law>

 That petition is being contested because, though containing enough signatures to get the question on the ballot, the board of canvassers have not approved it following one member's assertion that the typeface on the petition didn't meet a print size standard.

Mlive:  Deadlocked vote on petitions

Mlive: Coalition calls foul over font size

The contention over the type face issue is expected to be resolved at the State Supreme Court.

The Emergency Manager petition effort is similar to that which put the Medical Marijuana initiative on the 2008 ballot.

I suspect that the public will get things that don't mean that much to the sociopaths who have purchased the allegiance of the Republican Party (American Legislative Exchange Council, Koch Industries, et al), but when it comes to their interests (follow the money), the people won't prevail.

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