Friday, October 26, 2007

Stupidest President

I was dining with a number of work colleagues, who weren't discrete enough to mask their negative opinions of anyone who doesn't support George W. Bush.

It triggered the emotional statement:

"George W. Bush is the stupidest person I've ever encountered or heard about as a leader of this country. He's illiterate, illogical, and inept -- a guy who has ruined everything he touches, including the Texas Rangers. It's embarrassing to have him represent me on the world stage. Those who support him are simply sheep, unable to observe his actions, and repeating what his shills in the media tell them to recite in public."

As the dinner was allegedly among "professionals" there was a stunned silence, since "politics" which didn't go along with the majority trend is forbidden.

The leader of the pro-Bush discussion retorted, "Well, I guess we see who's the liberal here. Kerry was . . ."

I didn't respond because my observation wasn't "liberal" but instead an analysis of the President's public actions where he doesn't offer logical thoughts either by argument, or worse, by appropriate grammatical construct, and makes pundit like statements to adults on topics only preschoolers may find interesting ("refineries are the factories which produce gasoline").

It was based, in part, on feedback from friends in Australia who indicate that we American's are a public laughing stock whenever the President is featured in that country's news. This response from a strong "ally?"

On the way home from the dinner, wondering why I didn't fight back, I thought:

No one bothered to defend their "leader's" intelligence.

Like those who berate the "liberal media bias" to prate their own biases from a media pulpit, they demonize the speaker rather than address the logic or illogic of the statement.

They're more impressed with the trappings of the leader ("I respect the presidency") rather than the leader's actions (For what it's worth, I respect the Presidency too. I'm just embarrassed about who we put in it this time.).

The next day, I found it interesting to hear that something like 25 percent of the American people still defend the president. This was compared to 30-something percent who believe there are space aliens living among us.

Look here for some of the wit and wisdom of Bush (See: Slate).

Take care



Christina said...

I have heard on the news that a lot of Republicans are distancing themselves from him to avoid the negative association. I also get annoyed when he makes a plain and simple statement that everyone already knows and acts like he's educating us..

Doug said...

Jim, tell us how you really feel.
But all joking aside, He is not an idiot, after all. He is helping his close friends make billions of dollars at the expense of american lives and taxpayer money.To us he is an IDIOT. but to his friends, a hero.